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O30P HDET Support


O30P Original Maps XPSave supports HDET

(High-Definition Enemy Territory)



Our beloved Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is coming nearer and nearer to its grand celebration - the decade long fighting over Siwa Oasis or sabotages to Würzburg Radars (released on May 29, 2003). While being the best free team based multi player first-person shooter and one of the grandfathers of whole genre, ET is still worshiped by many players. However, its engine (id Tech 3) is quite outdated. The mini-mod HDET, developed by Berzerkr (GER), is aiming to improve the graphics and make ET more attractive for players who like to play with maximum quality: "This texture modification was developed in order to give Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory more detailed textures. All textures appearing in the stock-maps are doubled in size, got decent bumpmapping and were saved with maximum quality."

General information

You will see the High Definition textures only when playing on servers that run this mini-mod (e.g. O30P Original Maps). You do not need this mini-mod to be able generally play on O30P Original Maps server and you will not be kicked from other servers if you have this mini-mod installed. Term mini-mod specifically refers to type of mods that will not interfere with any other features of ET and gets enabled only when playing on adequate server.

This mini-mod is worth trying only if you play ET with higher or maxed out setting (high texture detail, detailed textures, ect.).

Installation notes

Unzip and put the z_hdet.pk3 into your "etmain" folder.
To uninstall this mod, simply remove the z_hdet.pk3 file.

Download link

RtCW & ET Files: http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/HDET_HighDefinition_Enemy_Territory;98233

GameFront: http://www.gamefront.com/files/13462377/HDET__High_Definition_Enemy_Territory___Final_

NB: file size is 324 MB !


Lots of pictures can be found at HDET Official website: http://hdet.rtcwmap.de/ RIP

Fuel Dump

Rail Gun

Würzburg Radar

Seawall Battery

Gold Rush

Siwa Oasis

Member Poll
Would you play with bots (not aimbots) on the server?

53% [17 Votes]

31% [10 Votes]

16% [5 Votes]

Votes: 32
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Started: 18.01.17

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02-01-2024 18:28
Happy New Year!

02-01-2024 17:53
Hello everyone! Greetings from Finland! Happy 2024!

23-12-2023 20:06
[*WOD*]Pablo rampage added to photo gallery

16-11-2023 21:39

04-11-2023 12:31
More likely O60

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