Our level system serves as the reference point to evaluate players on server and to encourage good atmosphere by providing recognition and further prospects of gaining levels. Each level has its brief description which summarizes which player attributes serve as a basis for getting that particular level. Each consequent level gains commands from previous one, as well as its obligations.
Level-1 Behave, Buddy!
Slow learner who still has little respect for rules and other players or just plainly notorious lad. Severe measures might be taken against this player.
Level0 Newcomer/noGuid
New player to server or player who has no GUID (refer to etkey.org to generate your unique ID; to enable PunkBuster client, you can try typing in console /pb_cl_enable).
+ help, resetmyxp, stats
Newcomers will get multiple warns in case of rulebreaking as well as explanations and guidelines where to refer to get acquainted with the rules.
Level1Regular player
Hangs out on our server for quite some time now (two or three months) and knows the rules.
+ spec999, nosk, rule, teams
Regulars don't get slack as newcomers. In case of rulebreaking they will get a single warn if at all and kick/ban measures will follow.
Level2Fair-play mate
Player who not only knows and obeys rules, but cares for overall good atmosphere, evens up teams, etc.